Did you know

"Heart of Glass" is song by Blondie. it was released as a single in January 1979 and topped the charts in several countries, including the US and UK.

Except for the geeky boyfriend in the music video, all the other actor are "Skin Diary"

the band preforms with the same outfits they wear in the music video

The story of the video reflects the true story of the band - Giant Jessica and Gaydiator PierePaolo used to be a couple.

Jessica is currently in a relationship with Puya, "one last drink", Shoary - the drummer of the band

The original ending of the video was Jessica kissing with Debby Harry, Blondie's singer. No copyrights were granted....

The building model's in the giant scene are the fantastic  artwork of Peter Grund, english teacher by day - gaintess movie director by night.

We found his "green screen" studio by chance, not even knowing that he builds a whole city to demolish by big boobed ladies in his studio.

The music video was shot frame by frame in  stop motion animation.

The production of the music video took over a year.